We Are Different: Personality Systems
1 minute, 40 seconds Read
Personality What? Personality Who?
Personality Me? Personality You?
Have you ever wondered why people do and say the things they do?
Ever wonder why people do and say the things they do?
Ever wondered why you’re always so optimistic and your partner so pessimistic?
Ever wondered why you react the way you do or how children can be reared by the same parents in the same environment and yet be so completely opposite?
Have your weaknesses haunted or discouraged you?
Want to transform your weaknesses into strengths?
Want to transform your relationships?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this personality evaluation is just the thing for you. This evaluation is based on the observations of Hippocrates 400 B.C.
There are at least 32 other personality profile systems around today … yet the four basic temperaments are the same as those identified by Hippocrates just labeled differently. The point of the evaluation is not to judge or label yourself or others, for each of us is genuinely unique. While there are similarities in the personality patterns/behaviors many, many other elements are factored into the complexity that is you!
- Better understand and accept yourself
- Better understand and accept others
- Improve communications
- Improve relationships
- Restore harmony, acceptance and love to relationships
- Eliminate conflict and strife
- Capitalize on your strengths
- Gain personal freedom and confidence
- Identify areas for strengthening
- Understand your children; learn how to enhance their strengths while helping them learn strategies to minimize their weaknesses
- To understand how you are a unique individual
- Understand your boss
- Understand your employees
- Better understand and accept others
- Improve communications
- Improve relationships
- Eliminate conflict and strife
- Capitalize on employee’s strengths
- Use the personality evaluation as a screening tool to help you assemble, motivate and maintain a group of dynamic, productive people to create the synergy that ensures business success, i.e., your success.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2
Til next time,