ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Lymphatic

Essential Oils Considered Lymphatic The following list includes essential oils are considered lymphatic. Lymphatic essential oils are oils that either decongest the lymph system, assist in relieving swollen glands, or stimulate circulation and lymph movement, and assist with toxin removal. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels and organs that work together to move …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Sedative, Calming, Soothing and Relaxing

Essential Oils Considered Sedative, Calming, Soothing and Relaxing The following list includes essential oils are considered Sedative, Calming, Soothing and Relaxing. Sedative: reduces mental excitement or physical activity, slows down functional activity and lessens excitement, calming.  Calming: sedative, calming agent; produces a sedative or tranquilizing effect. Soothing: having a gently calming effect. Relaxing: reducing tension …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essentials Oils Considered Antidepressant and Uplifting

Essential Oils Considered Antidepressant and Uplifting The following list includes essential oils are considered antidepressant. Antidepressant: Antidepressant: Helps to counteract depression and lifts the mood, alleviates depression. Uplifting: inspiring happiness, optimism, or hope. Essential Oil General Safety Information: Essential Oils (EOs) are highly concentrated extractions of plants and can be harmful if not used carefully. …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Citrusy and Fruity

Essential Oils Considered Citrusy and Fruity The following list includes essential oils are considered citrusy and fruity.  These light oils often have fruity scents that are characteristic of the rinds from which they are extracted. They can be described as tangy or tart, fresh, clean, vibrant, invigorating, exciting, energizing, and uplifting. Fruity: relating to, made …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Herbaceous

Essential Oils Considered Herbaceous The following list includes essential oils are considered herbaceous.  Essential oils that have herbaceous scents can be further described as smelling green or grassy. These Essential Oils often have mild floral yet invigorating spring-like scents that are associated with lush, wet foliage. They are reminiscent of the aroma of fresh leaves, …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Camphoraceous

Essential Oils Considered Camphoraceous The following list includes essential oils are considered Camphoraceous.  These essential oils have strong scents and are known to be beneficial for clearing the respiratory system due to their clarifying, penetrating, energizing, purifying, and almost medicinal aromas. Camphoreous: Camphor is a waxy, colorless solid with a strong aroma found in the …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Spicy

Essential Oils Considered Spicy The following list includes essential oils are considered spicy.  These essential oils have exotic, warm, intense aromas that are often reminiscent of baking and other warm memories. With strong scents, they are commonly used to stimulate energy and focus. Essential Oil General Safety Information:  Essential Oils (EOs) are highly concentrated extractions of …

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ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS, Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils Considered Woody & Earthy

Essential Oils Considered Woody and Earthy The following list includes essential oils are considered woody and earthy. These essential oils have deep, warm, lingering scents.  Often described as smelling “brown,” these oils are reminiscent of the scents of a forest floor or damp soil. Their fragrances are soft, masculine, musky, and sensual. Their alluring, seductive, …

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