History of Chai
Early folklore records that Chai began in India thousands of years ago in the ancient Royal Court by a King who created Chai as a cleansing and energizing ayurvedic beverage.
Chai was originally made from fresh ginger accompanied by freshly ground spices. Since its creation Chai has been serve hot or cold.
Tea was added to Chai in 1835 when the British set up Tea Farms in Assam, India. The black teas grown on these farms soon found their way into the local and already popular Indian Chai beverage – producing – Chai Tea.
A reflection of British influence, the “Chai Tea” also contained milk, spices and a sweetener of some kind in addition to the tea.
Indian Chai Masala usually contains spices of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and black pepper. Masala mean “spice.”
Prior to 1835, Chai was composed solely of ginger, spices and water – no tea.
And, now you know the rest of the story about the evolution of the Chai Tea we know and love today.
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Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2
Til next time,