Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8


Nurture your inner child with this calming, sedative, meditative, tonic blend that removes negative programming from your body’s cells and filters out overwhelming and unwanted noise in your daily life.  Assists with anxiety, mental fatigue, depression, and nervous tension by helping to balance your emotions, equilibrium and male-female energies.  The body systems that are affected by this blend are the nervous and hormone systems.

100% pure, natural essential oils

CONTAINS: 100% pure, natural essential oils of Coriander, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and Coconut oil

TO USE:  Topical and Inhalant:  Apply to pulse point behind ears and on wrists.  After applying to wrists, rub them together, bring them to your nose, and deeply inhale the aroma 3 to 5 times.  Make an intentional effort to breath the aroma deeply for several minutes.  Inhalation is the most direct route for the oils to take for a therapeutic effect.

PACKAGING:  Free Your Inner Child comes packaged in a glass bottle with a rollerball.

More than just a fragrant aroma …
Health benefits of these pure, natural essential oils include:

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, cardiac stimulant, circulatory stimulant, nervous system stimulant, anti-inflammatory, sedative.  Coriander may help with migraines, muscular aches and pains, nausea, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, poor circulation, rheumatism, skin (oily skin, blackheads, and other impurities), and stiffness. Current research at Cairo University indicates that coriander lowers glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels and supporting the pancreas function. The body systems affected are the digestive and hormonal systems. Aromatically, Coriander is a gentle stimulant for those with low physical energy. It also helps one relax during times of stress, irritability, and nervousness. In addition, it may also provide a calming influence to those suffering from shock or fear.

Patchouli (Pogostemon cabin) is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antitoxic, astringent, decongestant, digestive stimulant, and tonic.  For centuries, the Asian people used patchouli to fight infection, cool fevers, tone the skin and entire body. Patchouli is sedating, calming, relaxing and may reduce anxiety and depression. This oil is a digester of toxic material in the body. Patchouli affects the skin and helps with skin conditions — dermatitis, eczema, tissue regeneration, cellulite, chapped skin, tighten loose skin hemorrhoids, may help acne and prevents wrinkles. Other uses have included help with dandruff, relieve itching from hives, and weeping wounds. The body system affected is the skin. Aromatically, it is sedating, calming, and relaxing allowing it to reduce anxiety. It may have some particular influence on sex, and physical energy.

Sandalwood (Santalum album) is antidepressant, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, calming, sedative, and tonic. Many cultures consider sandalwood to be a sacred oil, and, in addition to use by Egyptian embalmers, it was traditionally used as an incense during ritual work for enhancing meditation. Sandalwood has an effect on emotional balance, skin, muscle and bone and the nervous system. Powerfully, but slowly, Sandalwood helps to calm, balance and harmonize the emotions. Sandalwood helps individuals to accept others with an open heart while helping to diminish their ego.  Similar in action to Frankincense, Sandalwood may support the cardiovascular system and remove negative programming from cells. Beneficial uses include circulation, depression, lymphatic system, meditation, nerves, nervous tension, increasing oxygen around the pineal and pituitary glands, and skin infections and regeneration.  The body systems affected areemotional balance, muscle and bone, nervous system, skin. Aromatically, Sandalwood slowly and powerfully calms, harmonizes, and balances the emotions.  It helps one accept others with an open heart while diminishing one’s own egocentricity.  It can also be stimulating as well as grounding.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) is antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, tonic, reduce stress and tension, calming.  Interestingly, the original wild Ylang Ylang flowers had no fragrance. The fragrant aroma of Ylang Ylang has been achieved through selection and cloning. Ylang Ylang has been used to cover the beds of newlywed couples on their wedding night; it influences sexual energy and enhances relationships. Ylang ylang balances the equilibrium, helps with anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, frustration. It is calming and relaxing and may also help with anger, rage and low self-esteem. It promotes feelings of self-love, confidence, joy and peace. It has been used for skin treatments and in hair preparations to promote thick, shiny, lustrous hair. It has also been used to skin problems. Ylang ylang balances the heart function, helps with arterial hypertension, palpitations, tachycardia, and to regulate heartbeat and respiration. It may help lower blood pressure and assist with rapid breathing.  Ylang Ylang affects emotional balance, the cardiovascular and hormonal systems, and in particular, stimulates the adrenal glands.

Coconut oil as the carrier aids digestion, helps combat high blood pressure and heart disease, lowers inflammation and helps with arthritis, provides increased metabolism and energy, stamina, and endurance, enhances brainpower and memory, kills bacteria, fungi, microbes, and other dangerous pathogens.

Caution:   Harmful if swallowed. Not for internal use. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with your eyes and mucous membranes. External use only. Discontinue use if skin irritation/sensitivity occurs. If pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners, always check with your healthcare professional for any interactions with medications you are taking.  “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Essential Oil General Safety Information:  Essential Oils (EOs) are highly concentrated extractions of plants and can be harmful if not used carefully.  Incorporating EOs into your lifestyle should not cause unnecessary work, but it is important to heed all safety precautions. Never take EOs internally, even if a label say it is safe for consumption by mouth.  Never put undiluted EOs directly onto your skin (NEAT) to avoid sensitization of skin, and never apply NEAT to broken skin.  Some EOs can cause irritation, sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals.  When using a new oil topically for the first time, perform a skin patch test on a small area of the skin.  Some EOs are phototoxic and can cause irritation, inflammation, blistering, redness and/or burning when exposed to UVA rays of the sun.  Discontinue using EOs immediately if you encounter any irritation, redness or reaction.  Take care when adding EOs directly to bathwater.  EOs do not stayed mixed in water, and can, therefore “pool” causing the EO to touch body areas in full strength with the potential for irritation.  Some EOs should be avoided during pregnancy or by those with asthma, epilepsy, or other health conditions.  Avoid using EOs near the genitals, mouth, nose, eyes and ears. Extreme caution should be used with children and elderly (due to medication mix).  Care should be taken when using EOs near animals as not all EOs are safe to use on dogs, cats, birds, horses or other pets.  EOs are flammable; keep them away from fire hazards.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Til next time,