Why We Grieve and How We Grieve

Impact of Grief on Mind, Body and Spirit

We grieve

  • the passing of a loved one
  • divorce and the death of that relationship
  • a friendship or other relationship that has ended
  • about things that “could have been”
  • things that “will never be”
  • about our own life, not pleased with where it is going or perhaps who we are in it
  • our personal past pain and emotional hurts
  • the death of a vision, a desired dream we had
  • over someone they have never met, a celebrity, politician or an individual in a very sad situation
  • that we have hurt someone else
  • a beloved pet
  • and so much more.

Stages of Grief & How Essential Oils Can Help

Most people typically experience grief in five stages:

  1. denial
  2. anger
  3. bargaining
  4. depression,
  5. and acceptance.

Bodily Changes & Grief

Researchers have made connections between grief and bodily changes, effects on heart health, sleep patterns, moods, and more. [2] Typical Symptoms experienced by grieving individuals include:

  • sadness in the soul, depression, shock
  • difficulty sleeping; which may result in increased anxiety, agitation, nervous tension
  • difficulties with eating (over-eating, under-eating)
  • cognitive problems, mental fatigue and brain fog where cannot think clearly
  • Fatigue and having no energy for even performing the daily essentials
  • For individuals already having an existing mood or anxiety disorder, grieving may worsen their fear, worry or hopelessness
  • Physical pain; headaches migraines, chest pains, muscular pain

The great news is that targeted, potent essential oils can assist with many of the symptoms.  Essential oils have chemical properties that may help you cope with your grief emotions, sadness or depression.  When the fragrance of essential oils is inhaled and reaches your limbic system, emotional and physiological responses are generated by your brain.  Once the chemical signatures of the plant constituents are decoded, your brain signals various body systems and functions how to respond to the incoming oil signature through the olfactory channel.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Til next time,

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