Dead Doctors Don’t Lie

I was personally introduced to the Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie Message in my twenties. Back then, it was a cassette tape. Laugh out loud. It is probably considered an “antique” today. Can anyone still play cassettes?
At any rate, I was mesmerized by his message, and I took copious notes because Dr. Wallach honestly made a lot of sense in a world of contradictory medical noise. I contribute my good health, now in my 60s, to a large part from what I learned from Dr. Wallach in my twenties.

The message it contains has generated intense public interest in colloidal mineral supplementation. Unfortunately, few products on the market measure up to either the spirit or the intent of what Dr. Wallach advises. Some companies, for example, get their product from inappropriate sources, from ancient seabeds or clay deposits rather than directly from plants. Some companies water down their minerals or spike their product with metallic minerals to boost spectrographic readings.
There is, however one company, one line of organic colloidal mineral supplements that towers above the rest. Not surprisingly it is Dr. Wallach’s very own line: the Majestic Earth line of mineral supplements. When it comes to your health and the health of your loved ones insist on the best: MAJESTIC EARTH!
Visit my on-line store for 90 for Life Youngevity Products (click here) Yes, I am a distributor for these products as I believe they are some of the best products available. And yes, I will make a commission from the sales of these products. If you are interested in your health, you will want to check it out!

These are two of the most popular plant derived minerals. As you can see, one of them is a cherry flavor, just in case the plain minerals are not agreeing with your taste buds.
You can join Youngevity as a Distributor and receive wholesale pricing or as a Preferred Customer for just $19.99, and have access to hundreds of high-quality health and beauty products. Blessings and happy health to you!

If you are driving and want to hear some of the original audio clips, find them here.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2
Til next time,