Coaching vs. Counseling

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Coaching vs. Counseling

Coaching is about moving you forward, from where you are in your life to where you want to be, toward your desired outcome.  “Why” typically keeps us disempowered and in the past.



Personal strengthening

Personal evolution

Exploring and discovering the client

Empowering the client

Triage – Where does it hurt, what’s happening?

Visioning – what’s possible, creating dreams/goals

Why is this happening to me?  Why this?

What’s next?  What now? How can I?

Overcoming obstacles

Sustaining a flow – obstacles are new opportunities

Operating from an unconscious-conscious level

Operating from a conscious-consciousness level

Moving away from

Moving toward

Looking backward

Being present NOW, focusing forward

Cognitive behavior problems examined

Actively challenging and building new behavior

Needs help – fix me, I am broken/dysfunctional

Wants to partner with coach for transformation

Stuck in pain – don’t know what to do

Frustrated by obstacles –&unresolved conflicts/limits

Focus: Past-present

Focus: Present-future

Focus: Issue resolution

Focus: Life design – on-purpose life – intentional

Driven by unresolved experiences

Choosing new behaviors, goals and actions

Takes information in

Acts on information received

Discussion-oriented, feelings-based

Action oriented, possibility-based

Focused on self & past understanding

Focused on NOW and reaching self-potential

Therapist: Nurturing, supportive, telling

Coach: Catalyzing, challenging, asking

Asks why? (why keeps us in the past)

Asks what? (what is now possible, what can I do?)

Usually a slower, measured, methodical pace

Often an accelerated pace – results oriented

Relationship: Patient-client

Relationship: Coach-Client

Medical model

Performance model


Possibility Co-creation


Achievement – desired outcomes (healing may occur)


Four Basic Questions to Ask the Client: 1. What are you moving towards?2. What is motivating you to change?3. What are some of the possibilities in getting there? 4. What if you get a different result?

©2011, Rhonda Robbins, all rights reserved.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Til next time,

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