Essential Oils Considered Nervine

Essential Oils with Nervine Properties

The following list includes essential oils and the therapeutic nervine properties generally attributed to them. 

Nervines, both herbal and in essential oils, help to tone, strengthen, modulate, or balance the nervous system. Plants and flowers that have a proven track record of balancing the nervous system are called nervines.

Nervines may help manage mild to moderate stress, reduce or relieve nervous disorders, anxiety, depression, sleep disruptions, pain, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

The sympathetic nervous system is what handles your “fight or flight” response, and while great for an emergency, can be problematic if the stress to the sympathetic nervous system becomes chronic. The parasympathetic nervous system, different from sympathetic, puts the body into a relaxation state of “healing and repair” through chemical interactions, which let your body know there is no physical danger present. Because no danger is present, the energy can be focused on other physical functions including digestion, elimination, detoxification, immune system production.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Essential Oil General Safety Information:  Essential Oils (EOs) are highly concentrated extractions of plants and can be harmful if not used carefully.  Incorporating EOs into your lifestyle should not cause unnecessary work, but it is important to heed all safety precautions. Never take EOs internally, even if a label say it is safe for consumption by mouth.  Never put undiluted EOs directly onto your skin (NEAT) to avoid sensitization of skin, and never apply NEAT to broken skin.  Some EOs can cause irritation, sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals.  When using a new oil topically for the first time, perform a skin patch test on a small area of the skin.  Some EOs are phototoxic and can cause irritation, inflammation, blistering, redness and/or burning when exposed to UVA rays of the sun.  Discontinue using EOs immediately if you encounter any irritation, redness or reaction.  Take care when adding EOs directly to bathwater.  EOs do not stayed mixed in water, and can, therefore “pool” causing the EO to touch body areas in full strength with the potential for irritation.  Some EOs should be avoided during pregnancy or by those with asthma, epilepsy, or other health conditions.  Avoid using EOs near the genitals, mouth, nose, eyes and ears. Extreme caution should be used with children and elderly (due to medication mix).  Care should be taken when using EOs near animals as not all EOs are safe to use on dogs, cats, birds, horses or other pets.  EOs are flammable; keep them away from fire hazards.

Essential Oils with Nervine Properties

  1. Balsam Fir: sedative for nerves
  2. Basil: nervine, for nervous tension, panic, depression
  3. Bergamot: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression
  4. Cedarwood: sedative, for anxiety
  5. Clary Sage: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, panic, depression
  6. Cumin: stimulant for nervous system
  7. Frankincense: sedative, for anxiety
  8. Geranium: nervine, for anxiety, depression
  9. Ginger: stimulant for nervous system
  10. Grapefruit: for depression
  11. Helichrysum: sedative, for panic, depression
  12. Jasmine: sedative, for self-esteem, depression
  13. Juniper Berry: stimulant, tonic, emotional balance, nervous system
  14. Lavender: sedative, nervine, for panic, insomnia, depression
  15. Lemongrass: for depression
  16. Mandarin: sedative, for anxiety, depression
  17. Marjoram: sedative, nervine, for anxiety, insomnia
  18. Neroli: sedative, for anxiety, panic, insomnia, self-esteem, depression
  19. Orange: sedative, for nervous tension, insomnia, depression
  20. Patchouli: for depression
  21. Pepper, Black:  stimulant for nervous system
  22. Peppermint: nervine, for panic, depression
  23. Petitgrain: sedative, for panic, insomnia, depression
  24. Pine: stimulant for adrenal cortex, circulatory and nervous system
  25. Roman Chamomile: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression
  26. Rose: sedative, for nervous tension, self-esteem, depression
  27. Rosemary: for depression
  28. Rosewood: for depression
  29. Sage: for depression
  30. Sandalwood: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression
  31. Spearmint: emotional balance
  32. Spruce, Blue:  emotional balance
  33. Tea Tree: neurotonic, immune stimulant
  34. Thyme: for depression
  35. Valerian: depressant to nervous system, hypnotic, sedative
  36. Vetiver: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, insomnia
  37. Ylang Ylang: sedative, for anxiety, panic, depression


  • Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics (Vol. 1 & 2) by Peter Holmes LAc, MH
  • Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley
  • The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Til next time,

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