Essential Oils Considered Diuretic

Essential Oils Considered Diuretic

A diuretic is a substance that causes the body to increase the rate of urination and fluid elimination.

The body consists of approximately 60% water and an average body has around 40 liters of water to be distributed. When the body is in a healthy state around 3 liters of this water is to be found in the blood; 25 liters of this water is to be found in the cells of the body with the final 12 liters found in the lymph that baths the cells.

A diuretic helps your body to get rid of excess water or fluid that may be causing a bloated feeling, called “water retention.” Bloating can also cause swelling in the legs, hands and ankles.

Regular urination helps to avoid water retention and also flushes out toxins from the body, minimizing damage. It’s healthy to have a regular urination schedule, and diuretics can offer extra support in this area. It is advisable to use natural diuretics whenever possible.

Safe Use of Essential Oils for Diuretic Purposes

Diuretic effects of essential oils are largely very safe as compared to medical diuretics that may pose side effects and health risks. Effects of essential oils is very gentle and should not cause any challenges when used as suggested, and not used excessively. Unlikely, though possible, use of diuretic essential oils in very high quantities may lead to excessive urination.

Reasons for Water Retention and Bloating

Some common causes for water retention include standing or sitting for too long often causing poor circulation to the lower limbs, fluctuating hormones can cause bloating and water retention during menses and pregnancy, and oft times excessive sodium (salt in diet) can cause water retention. Some individuals experience water retention during hot weather when they are sweating a lot; the body in an attempt to stay hydrated begins saving some of the body’s water and it builds up. Some anti-diuretic prescription drugs as well as weakened blood vessels (varicose veins) can also cause fluid retention.

Essential Oil General Safety Information

Essential Oils (EOs) are highly concentrated extractions of plants and can be harmful if not used carefully. Incorporating EOs into your lifestyle should not cause unnecessary work, but it is important to heed all safety precautions. Never take EOs internally, even if a label say it is safe for consumption by mouth. Never put undiluted EOs directly onto your skin (NEAT) to avoid sensitization of skin, and never apply NEAT to broken skin. Some EOs can cause irritation, sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals. When using a new oil topically for the first time, perform a skin patch test on a small area of the skin. Some EOs are phototoxic and can cause irritation, inflammation, blistering, redness and/or burning when exposed to UVA rays of the sun. Discontinue using EOs immediately if you encounter any irritation, redness or reaction. Take care when adding EOs directly to bathwater. EOs do not stayed mixed in water, and can, therefore “pool” causing the EO to touch body areas in full strength with the potential for irritation. Some EOs should be avoided during pregnancy or by those with asthma, epilepsy, or other health conditions. Avoid using EOs near the genitals, mouth, nose, eyes and ears. Extreme caution should be used with children and elderly (due to medication mix). Care should be taken when using EOs near animals as not all EOs are safe to use on dogs, cats, birds, horses or other pets. EOs are flammable; keep them away from fire hazards. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Essential Oils Considered Diuretic include

Cardamom – Researchers suspect that the spice may lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect. Cardamom extract has been shown to increase urination and decrease blood pressure in rats. USE TOPICALLY IN 2-5% SOLUTION OR BY MOUTH. Generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for human oral consumption by the FDA. Dilute one drop oil in 1 tsp. honey or in 4 oz. of beverage (i.e. soy/rice milk). Not for children under 6 years old; use with caution and in greater dilution for children 6 years old and over. As stated above always use caution with use during pregnancy or with Seniors. 2% solution: 12 drops of essential oil per ounce (30 ml) of carrier oil. 3% solution: 18 drops of essential oil per ounce (30 ml) of carrier oil. 5% solution: 30 drops of essential oil per ounce (30 ml) of carrier oil.

** Cedarwood – Serves as a diuretic. Active compounds, including cedrol, beta-cedrene and thujopsene, are known to have natural diuretic abilities. Cedarwood oil may be able to increase the frequency of urination helping the body to remove toxins and excess water from the body. TOPICAL USE ONLY. Use in 2-5% topical massage solution (see Cardamom above for formula) over area of concern, Safety Data: Use with caution during pregnancy and with children and seniors.

Cypress – helps the body flush out toxins that exist internally, increases sweat and perspiration allowing the body to quickly remove toxins, excess salt and water. This can be beneficial to all systems in the body, and also benefits and cleanses the liver while helping lower cholesterol levels naturally. A 2007 study conducted at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt, found that isolated compounds in cypress essential oil, including cosmosiin, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid, showed hepatoprotective activity.

Fennel – can increase the amount and frequency of urination, thereby helping the removal of toxic substances from the body and helping in rheumatism and swelling

** Geranium – promotes urination. An increase in urination means fewer toxins in the body, and the release of toxic synthetic and chemical substances, heavy metals, sugar, sodium, pollutants, urea, uric acid, pathogens, removes excess bile (bile salts) and acids from the stomach. Each time you urinate, fat amounting to 4% of the volume of urine and excess water is also removed from the body. Urination aids the digestive process and prohibits the formation of excess gas in the intestine.

Grapefruit – improves blood circulation in the body and prevents the body from accumulating any water or fluid. Removes excess water by keeping the lymphatic system active.

** Juniper Berry – For water retention it is among the greatest essential oils to use as it stimulates frequent urination and encourages sweating. You may remove extra water from many sections of your body in this manner. In addition, Juniper stimulates body glands to function efficiently and aids in detoxification.

Lavender – can be used topically, eliminating any puffiness or swelling problems brought on by water retention.

Lemon – citrus lemon contains abundant flavonoids such as rutin, hesperidin,  quercitrin, narirutin, didumin, and naringin. Quercitrin and Iso quercitrin has been shown to possess diuretic effect

Lemongrass – a known detoxifier of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, bladder and pancreas, lemongrass oil works as a natural diuretic, helping flush harmful toxins out of your body. Lemongrass oil or tea has been used as a detoxifier in several countries.

Lime – helps in expelling the excess fluids in the body causing obesity through urine and sweat.

Marjoram – can work as a natural diuretic in both the quantity of urine produced and frequency of urination, helping remove excess water, sodium, uric acid, bile salts, and other toxic elements from the body. Increased urination may also lower blood pressure, clean kidneys, and reduce fat. Drink more water if you are taking marjoram oil because frequent urination can lead to dehydration, which can be quite dangerous for your health.

** Onycha (Benzoin) – has potential diuretic properties. Benzoin might have an effect like a water pill or “diuretic.”

** Orange, Sweet – has the ability to eliminate toxins that may be in the body, allowing it to detoxify and discard all bacteria and waste that are not necessary internally. Massaging orange essential oil (in a carrier) onto the abdomen and belly also promotes the release of toxins, especially from the digestive tract, while stimulating the bladder and lymphatic system.

Peppermint – In 2018 clinical research, researchers are using peppermint oil to treat postpartum urinary retention in women. To encourage urination, place a few drops of peppermint oil into the toilet water. The vapor from the oil will contact the perineum to increase urine flow. Its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects help to significantly reduce edema of the foot and leg, which can be brought on by water retention. Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi are often involved in bodily swelling.

Rosemary – especially helpful for women who suffer from certain types of bloating during their periods. Can help the body flush out toxic substances and may assist in preventing acid reflux and indigestion. Rosemary cleanses the body’s systems and overall health may be improved.

Tangerine – Tangerine is considered a powerful depurative, which purifies your blood and promotes better circulation. It helps in detoxifying your body from unwanted substances such as pollutants, excess salt, and uric acid through your urine, excretory process, or sweat. It also increases the oxygen-retaining capacity of your body’s red blood cells, thus purifying and refreshing the blood.


  • Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics (Vol. 1 & 2) by Peter Holmes LAc, MH
  • Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley
  • The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless
  • Which essential oils are diuretics?
  • Postpartum Urinary Retention with Essential Oils (PURE), U.S. National Library of Medicine,, Identifier: NCT03319498,
  • Essential Oils for Diuretic (Urine Flow), Organic.IO,
  • Essential Oils for Water Retention | Best Diuretic Essential Oils, By Deepak Bhagat, Nov. 19, 2022,
  • I Was Warned This Natural De-Bloating Elixir Was “Very Serious”—So I Tried It, by Amanda Montell, The Thirty,
  • Natural Diuretics: Fluid retention relief,
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  • Jeong HU, Kwon SS, Kong TY, Kim JH, Lee HS. Inhibitory effects of cedrol, β-cedrene, and thujopsene on cytochrome P450 enzyme activities in human liver microsomes. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2014;77(22-24):1522-32. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2014.955906. PMID: 25343299.
  • Ibrahim NA, El-Seedi HR, Mohammed MM. Phytochemical investigation and hepatoprotective activity of Cupressus sempervirens L. leaves growing in Egypt. Nat Prod Res. 2007 Aug;21(10):857-66. doi: 10.1080/14786410601132477. PMID: 17680494.
  • Gilani AH, Jabeen Q, Khan AU, Shah AJ. Gut modulatory, blood pressure lowering, diuretic and sedative activities of cardamom. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Feb 12;115(3):463-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2007.10.015. Epub 2007 Oct 22. PMID: 18037596.
  • 15 Impressive Benefits of Fennel by Meenakshi Nagdeve last updated – July 16, 2021 Medically reviewed by Vanessa Voltolina (MS, RD).
  • 13 Incredible Benefits Of Geranium Essential Oil, by Meenakshi Nagdeve last updated – August 27, 2020,
  • Lemon Essential Oil, December 30, 2022,
  • Evaluation of Diuretic Potential of Lemon Juice and Reconstituted Lemon Drink, Sana Sarfaraz, Ghulam Sarwar, Wajeeha Fatima, Saima Ramzan, Raana Amjad, Ramsha Tareen and Soofia Irfan, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, 254259.
  • 16 Lemongrass Essential Oil Uses & Benefits, for Skin, Hair & Even House!,By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN, November 28, 2018,
  • Gagan Shah, Richa Shri, Vivek Panchal, Narender Sharma, Bharpur Singh, and A. S. Mann, Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Cymbopogon citratus, stapf (Lemon grass), J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2011 Jan-Mar; 2(1): 3–8. doi: 10.4103/2231-4040.79796.
  • 23 Surprising Benefits Of Marjoram Essential Oil, by Meenakshi Nagdeve last updated – June 24, 2021, Organic Facts, 
  • Sharif, Atia; Nawaz, Haq; Rehman, Rafia; Mushtaq, Ayesha; Rashid, Ts. Dr. Umer, A review on bioactive potential of Benzoin Resin, January 2016, International Journal of chemical and biochemical sciences, IJBCS, 10(2016):106-110,
  • RX List: Benzoin, 6/11/2021
  • Orange Essential Oil: Side Effects, Benefits and Properties, by Kachieve Sand,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Til next time,

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