My Relationship With Money

My Relationship with Money – A SWIHA Presentation

1 minute, 38 seconds Read

15 NOV 2011, I had the privilege of giving a presentation, “My Relationship to Money – Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Success” at the Southwest Institute for the Healing Arts (SWIHA).

The theme for the evening was 

Follow the Yellow Brick Road, What Does My Emerald City Look Like?

Our Personal Relationship to Money
Determines Our Business Relationship to Money

It is our relationship to money that ultimately determines our success in our business — not our marketing prowess or our expert knowledge of our industry.  Our mindset and orientation toward money  —  either one of  “abundance”  or   “poverty,” ultimately determines our profitability at the end-of-the-day.

Are you setting yourself up to “win,” “achieve,” and “have” what you want?  Or, are you quietly, self-sabotaging yourself with an unproductive belief-system and mindset?  Are you outwardly doing all the right things, using correct marketing strategies:  Networking, social media, press releases, advertising, etc.  — but, still end up at the end of the month wondering how to pay your business bills?

If you said yes to any these questions, then this is the topic for you!  See the presentation slides as Rhonda Robbins, business owner, prolific writer, speaker, teacher, Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and Personality Trainer as she helps us discover roadblocks to our success.

Break your poverty cycle today.  

Rhonda Robbins is always available for one-on-one coaching sessions in person, on the phone, via Skype, Google Talk or Yahoo Video Call. Contact me to set up a time for a session, or to ask a question.   Copyright © 2011, Rhonda Robbins. All rights reserved.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Til next time,

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