Creator’s Apothecary Products

Creator’s Apothecary Products Modern apothecary therapeutic and perfume products offered by Creator’s Apothecary are formulated by a Certified Aromatherapist (CAT), fully researched, tested and handcrafted in much the same way a Victorian apothecary would craft their liniments, natural perfumes, therapeutics, creams, oils, and other remedies.  Creator’s Apothecary obtains essential oils from all over the world. …

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We Are Different: Personality Systems

We Are Different: Personality Systems 1 minute, 40 seconds Read Personality What?   Personality Who? Personality Me?   Personality You? Have you ever wondered why people do and say the things they do?Ever wonder why people do and say the things they do? Ever wondered why you’re always so optimistic and your partner so pessimistic? Ever wondered …

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What is Hypnosis … Really?

What is Hypnosis … Really? 3 minutes, 58 seconds Read When we think of hypnosis, we generally tend to think of the popularized picture of a magician like man with a goatee and a gold pocket watch on a long gold chain who swings the watch from side to side in front of his subject …

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My Relationship With Money

My Relationship with Money – A SWIHA Presentation 1 minute, 38 seconds Read 15 NOV 2011, I had the privilege of giving a presentation, “My Relationship to Money – Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Success” at the Southwest Institute for the Healing Arts (SWIHA). The theme for the evening was  Follow the Yellow Brick …

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Coaching vs. Counseling

1 minute, 29 seconds Read Coaching vs. Counseling Coaching is about moving you forward, from where you are in your life to where you want to be, toward your desired outcome.  “Why” typically keeps us disempowered and in the past. CONVENTIONAL THERAPY – PROBLEM SOLVING PERSONAL COACHING – POSSIBILITY CREATION Personal strengthening Personal evolution Exploring …

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