Are Allergies Ruining Your Life? Thirty Minutes Could Change Your Life Forever
Itchy eyes? Sore throat? Runny nose? Welcome to life with allergies. Are you sick and tired of not being unable to breathe properly, of never being able to go outside or to visit friends with pets? Are allergies ruining your life? There is a powerful way to lessen, and in many cases, suppress allergies without the use of drugs and instead use the science of mind-body interaction.
Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to access the mind-body connection we can help you recode the allergy so that your immune systems no longer see the allergen as a threat to you, and your symptoms disappear! Do you experience strong immune system responses to allergens such as dust, mold, pollen, cat dander which often causes physical symptoms such as difficulties in breathing; itching; hives; irritation in the skin, mucus membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth.
What if I told you that your body learned the allergic response and those reactions could be lessened or cured by working with your mind? Ridiculous, right? Imagine if you could cure or lessen your allergic responses in 30 minutes or less? Would it be worth it? Would your life significantly improve as a result? Contact the Allergy Exorcist today to discuss your symptoms.
How is this Possible?
If doctors and researchers can’t do this, how can you? Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategies to retrain the immune system and suppress allergies has been highly successful immediately and over the long term. Your immune system is not perfect, and sometimes it makes a mistake. Allergies often develop when you are in the midst of stressful events such as starting a new school, moving to a new place, puberty, getting married, final exams, and more.
During this transitional or unnerving event, you may be off balance putting your immune system in a state of heightened alert. Michael Levy, World Health Organization as an immunologist, has gone so far as to say that allergies are a kind of phobia of the immune system. And later, added that allergies are like an immune system “tantrum” of the immune system. Phobias and tantrums are both overreactions to something. Just as an example, millions and millions of people all around the world are exposed to pollen and yet only a small percentage exhibit allergic reaction.
The same can be said for pet dander, mold, wheat, and hundreds other substances. In essence, you can say that most allergies become stored memories of danger. Your immune system might think something is harmful to your body when, in fact, it poses no threat whatsoever, and yet your immune system has responded by over-reacting to harmless substances. Once that “danger” response has been stored, your immune system continues to respond each time to it as though the allergen threat were real and reacts by producing the histamines and physical responses that are associated with allergy reaction. Just as your immune system instantly responded to a “dangerous” threat, it can also just as quickly relearn a new response.
It is possible to recode the body’s immune response through the use of the proven NLP Allergy Technique. We will use a guided process that will allow us to access the subconscious where the memory is stored and allow the immune system to recode the event. Many clients report a dramatic improvement from just one session. This NLP strategy had been used thousands of times by practitioners all around the world in both clinical and training settings and has been effective in support allergy relief. Allergies that have responded well to this NLP strategy include airborne material, such as smoke, pollen, perfume, etc., to various foods, and even in cases involving asthma.
Using NLP strategies to retrain the immune system and suppress allergies has been highly successful, and over the long term. Although, most allergy suffers see immediate relief in a short period of time, to ensure long-term allergy relief, it is recommended that the former allergy sufferer participate in a minimum of two follow-up sessions.
During these two sessions the practitioner will check your current allergy response level and provide additional allergy suppression responses as needed. Follow-up after six months, again in 12 to 18 months, and final a check in 4 to 5 years.
Allergy Development Example
It can be as simple as seeing dust under your crib as a child, and then later being allergic to dust and unable to breathe properly when exposed to dust. In this instance, as a child, you saw the dust as “bad” and your mind catalogued it into the warning system. Each time thereafter, when confronted with dust, your mind sends your body into full alert, and your immune system overreacts by producing antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies result in an allergic reaction in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, lining of the stomach or on the skin.
Put simply, your mind over-reacts and sends signals to your body to protect you from this harmful substance, and your body immediately reacts. The substances may, in fact, be completely harmless, and in most cases are.
Once that “danger” response has been stored, your immune system continues to respond each time to it as though the allergen threat were real and reacts by producing the histamines and physical responses that are associated with allergy reaction.
Keep in mind, every time you experience an allergic reaction, this imprints more deeply into your mind that this event/allergen is dangerous. The more times you have this reaction, the deeper it is recorded, and often the symptoms get progressive stronger and more intense.
First you are afraid to go out to the garden in the middle of summer because of flower pollen. However, it is now winter, and you are still afraid to go out.
Outgrowing an Allergy?
I remember a couple of years ago I was having a conversation with my grown son. We were talking about sea food. I think we were even ordering in a restaurant. He told me he was allergic to shrimp. I said, “Since when.” He never had any allergies as a child. He had developed an allergy while travelling around in the Navy (from a bad sea food experience whilst sea faring). Sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun.
However, the fact that he had NEVER before had any allergy, did not make his current allergy less real. He had an epinephrine needle always in close proximity, just in case. He truly was now allergic to sea food.
A couple of years have passed, and as far as I know no “change work” or “treatment” has been performed on him for his sea food allergy. Surprisingly he has “outgrown” his allergy!
How do you “outgrow” a physiological body reaction, UNLESS there is a MIND component piece associated with it?
Perhaps, you have also heard of individuals who have “outgrown” their allergy responses. Did you ever wonder how this is possible?
It is for exactly this reason, that NLP, using the science of mind-body interaction, is effective in reducing and suppressing allergic responses! NLP help to re-imprint your allergic experience, and reprogram the events that caused the initial allergic response.
Allergy Treatment Research
Classical conditioning is a conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus (as the sound of a bell) is paired with and precedes the unconditioned stimulus (as the sight of food) until the conditioned stimulus alone is sufficient to elicit the response (as salivation in a dog).
The most famous classical conditioning experiment was Pavlov’s Dog. Several studies that suggest that allergic responses can be generated by classical conditioning for example in “Pavlovian Conditioning of Rat Mucosal Mast Cells to Secrete Rat Mast Cell Protease II” in Science, 6 January 1989, p83-85, a chemical was given to mice at the same time as a camphor smell was released causing an association between the chemical (bad) and the smell of the camphor. Each time the camphor smell was released, the mice exhibited allergic responses.
Dr. Judith Swack studied ten people who had a variety of allergies (cats, dust, flowers, cigarette smoke etc). Seven of the ten responded to the NLP allergy process by becoming completely response-free. Over two years, the results reduced, as three of the seven regained some allergic response.
Interestingly, of the three who initially got no success with the allergy process, two became allergy free once Swack applied other coaching strategies. (Source: Swack, J.A., “A Study of Initial Response and Reversion Rates of Subjects Treated with The Allergy technique”, in Anchor Point, Vol 6, No2, Feb 1992)
A study of 32 individuals in Salt Lake City (Hallbom & Smith, 1987) who exhibited allergic responses to pollen, smoke and foods, showed complete suppression immediately. An individual exhibiting sensitivities to poison oak (a form of allergy) was also treated. During a six-month follow-up only three of the individuals had a recurrence of their allergies, while most shows complete suppression of allergy symptoms.
Dr. David Paul at a hospital in Vail, Colorado, under the supervision of the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health, conducted a controlled clinical trial in the summer of 1994 on 120 allergy sufferers. Study results demonstrated significant reduction in allergy symptoms, and in particular, food allergies. To obtain details of this study contact: Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health 346 S. 500 E. #200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102-4022 (801) 534-1022 Fax (801) 532-2113
Schedule Today
Get rid of your allergy by recoding your body’s allergic responses using proven mind-body technique. Lessen or suppress long-time allergies quickly. 3 coaching sessions $300
Let Results Speak for Themselves
Please contact me to discuss relief from your allergic symptoms. It might be easier than you image to live happy and allergy free.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2
Til next time,